
Cape Cod Museum of Art

The Cape Cod Museum of Art is celebrating its 40th year in 2021. Located on the 23-acre campus of the Cape Cod Center for the Arts in the heart of Dennis in the mid-Cape, this small Cape Cod museum is a must see!
The Cap Cod Museum of Art_museums in cape cod

Whether you’re an art enthusiast or are just dipping your toes into the world of art on Cape Cod there’s something for you, as the museum strives for varied pieces to ensure that there’s something that speaks to each visitor, tracing Cape Cod’s artistic lineage. This museum in Cape Cod is open year-round, though with limited capacity and safety measures in place due to COVID-19. Admission is $10 with discounted pricing available for seniors, children, and students.Cape Cod Museum of Art exterior shot_museums cape cod

Founded by a group of artists in 1981, the museum’s goal is the preservation of local art and the unique style of the Cape and Islands. They were concerned that the artistic riches of the region would leave Cape Cod, dispersed to private collections and museums across the country, and lost to future generations of aspiring artists on Cape Cod and the Islands. The museum collects art created on and inspired by Cape Cod, as well as the art that inspired well known Cape Cod artists and other influential art.

Forty years on the Cape Cod museum is a hub of cultural life in the region, complete with seven galleries, a film screening room, sculpture garden, and museum shop. In their mission to, “Educate, inspire and excite the imagination of all by using our outstanding collection and diverse programming.” The museum features work from its permanent collection in addition to exciting exhibits.

Recent Exhibits Have Included:
Ed Chenowith’s Man on the Marsh: a collection of paintings exploring the salt marsh behind his Sandwich studio in vivid color and texture.

Paper Talks: a tribute to the life and art of Miroslawa Pissarenko, a beloved Cape Cod artist, teacher, horticulturist, and friend who taught others about polish paper cutting.

Creature Comforts: A selection of pieces designed to evoke feelings of comfort during the coronavirus pandemic, featuring new pieces and old favorites the pieces feature the comforts of home, human connection, nature, animals, and more!

Juried exhibitions from members and beyond are also featured.

Upcoming exhibits will include “Through Young Eyes” featuring art by Cape Cod K-12 students, “Enough” Jane Lincoln’s series on mass shootings in the United States, and more. Check the museum’s website for more upcoming events and exhibits.

The museum also offers various educational programming for both children and adults. Adult classes are a mix of in-person and online at this time, and they are offering a variety of virtual programs for children. Though it is currently suspended due to COVID-19, the museum works in partnership with the Alzeheimer’s Family Support Center of Cape Cod to provide arts programming for those with memory loss and their caregivers. This small gem is worth a visit for those looking to appreciate the unique artistic history on the Cape

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