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Hiking/Biking Trails on Cape Cod


Are you looking for some beautiful hiking and biking trails on Cape Cod? You’re in the right place because we’ve jotted down all the best trails so that you can have a tailored experience of hiking or biking.

The best way to enjoy Cape Cod’s beauty is through hiking and biking as it allows you to explore the magnificent landscapes as you go along. Cape Cod is packed with several paths that allow you to pedal or hike through almost all the towns. Plus, some will allow you to enjoy forests, woodlands, and kettle ponds too. So, if you’re ready to explore hundreds of miles of beautiful hiking and biking trails on Cape Cod, let’s continue reading!

Beach Forest Trail

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Loation : 36 Race Point Road, Cape Cod National Seashore

City/Town : Provincetown

Length : 0.8 miles

Difficulty : Easy

Description : Beach Forest Trail allows you to explore the beautiful Beech Forest. It also offers amazing bird watching opportunities so it’s worth visiting.

Dune Shacks Trail

Loation : Cape Cod National Seashore

City/Town : Provincetown

Length : 2.4 miles

Difficulty : Moderately challenging

Description : Dune Shacks Trail doesn’t have any trail markers and that’s why it’s considered moderately challenging. The trail is popular for birding and hiking and It takes around 54 minutes to complete the route. Also, remember that dogs aren’t allowed on this route.

Long Point Lighthouse Trail

Loation : Cape Cod National Seashore

City/Town : Provincetown

Length : 6.4 miles

Difficulty : Moderately challenging

Description : Long Point Lighthouse Trail allows you to enjoy the beautiful views of the sea. This trail is perfect for those hikers who want to spend their day walking and exploring. The trail takes around 1 hour and 44 minutes to complete.

MacMillan Wharf


Loation : Ryder St Ext. (MacMilan Pier Parking Lot)

City/Town : Provincetown

Length : 0.5 miles

Difficulty : Easy

Description : MacMillan Wharf is a suitable track for walking and birding. It is a short trail and takes around 9 minutes to complete the track. The best time to visit the track is from July through September.

Pilgrim Monument


Loation : 1 High Pole Hill Rd (Parking Lot)

City/Town : Provincetown

Length : 0.2 miles

Difficulty : Easy

Description : Pilgrim monument is a very easy and short trail. It takes only 5 minutes to complete the track. You can visit the track anytime during the year because it is open all-year round.