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Hiking/Biking Trails on Cape Cod


Are you looking for some beautiful hiking and biking trails on Cape Cod? You’re in the right place because we’ve jotted down all the best trails so that you can have a tailored experience of hiking or biking.

The best way to enjoy Cape Cod’s beauty is through hiking and biking as it allows you to explore the magnificent landscapes as you go along. Cape Cod is packed with several paths that allow you to pedal or hike through almost all the towns. Plus, some will allow you to enjoy forests, woodlands, and kettle ponds too. So, if you’re ready to explore hundreds of miles of beautiful hiking and biking trails on Cape Cod, let’s continue reading!

Crocker Neck Conservation Area Trail

Loation : 729-899 Santuit Rd

City/Town : Cotuit

Length : 1.5 miles

Difficulty : Easy

Description : Crocker Neck Conservation Area trail is a quiet and peaceful trail where you can spend some time in solitude. The trail heads through the woods to Popponesset Bay and Pinquickset Cove, and passes through tidal pools and marshlands. The trail takes around 30 minutes to complete.